Blue Star Wellness Center, located at 3008 State Route 5 Suite B&C Cortland, OH 44410, hosts meditation and yoga groups, Reiki sessions, an on-site holistic Chiropractor, as well an on-site Health and Life Insurance Educator/Broker.
The wellness is part of the non-profit practice and is a 501(c)3. If you would like to donate, please click the link below.

Welcome to Blue Star Wellness
Blue Star has made the decision to expand our therapeutic services and create Blue Star Wellness. The mission of Blue Star Wellness is to construct a holistic healing environment promoting mental, spiritual and physical well-being. It is located in the same courtyard as Blue Star Family Counseling Services.
Our team includes experts in trauma treatment and trauma informed modalities of healing. This innovative space will allow for the expansion of holistic therapeutic and restorative activities within our community; including meditation groups, trauma informed yoga, energy focused chiropractic services, reiki, peer led support groups, nutrition and integrative mental health evaluations, and trauma focused trainings for those in the healing professions.